ico-shippingShipping Policy

  • The prices on our website include free delivery and postage on all orders over the value of $120.
  • For purchase under $120 delivery and postage will be charged $20.
  • Most orders should arrive at their destination 7-10 business days from the time of purchase. 
  • The customer will receive their email confirmation with an order number immediately after an order has been placed.
  • The customer will receive their email confirmation with a link to view the tracking information once an order has been shipped.
  • An invoice will be sent by email up to 3 days after the shipment has been received by the customer.
  • If a non-delivery occurs due to the customer’s error, we will contact the customer via e-mail or by phone with the option of resending the package at the customer’s expense. If the customer prefers a refund, the refund will not include shipment costs of $20.
  • Taxes and fees
    • Orders may be subject to local taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country (“Import Fees”). For more information regarding your country’s custom policies, please contact your local customs office.
  • Cancelation of an order before shipment – If the customer wishes to cancel an order before it has been shipped, they should contact our Customer Service Department at rinat@rinikini.com to request a cancellation. If the delivery has already left our warehouse by courier, the cancelation is not possible, and a Refund Request must be performed.
  • For more details please check our Terms and Conditions.